
Between a Sunrise and a Sunset

Between a Sunrise and a Sunset

Do you ever have those moments when you just wish God would let you know it will all be okay in the end?
About two months ago, our team was spending a night praying and worshipping the Lord.  As a leader I asked God to show me more about this journey we were on.
He showed me a picture of our whole team dancing and worshipping under a huge African sun near the end of our time here in Uganda. He showed me that we were about to go on an epic journey with him.
It was an image of hope amidst the hard times that were coming
An image of the beautiful journey
An image of how good everything would all be in the end
Fast forward two months to last Wednesday.
Our time in Uganda has definitely had its ups and downs the past three months.
And I had all but forgotten about the vision God had given me two month ago.
Last week, our team went on Safari. After leaving town at 4am, we started the three hour drive to Murchison Falls National Park in western Uganda. About an hour and a half into our drive, I noticed sparks flying out from under the bus. A few minutes later our driver stopped and said that something was wrong.  I got out of the bus with him to see if I could help him see what was wrong.  After looking under the bus I looked up to see the sky begin to lighten, and realized that within the hour we were about to see one epic African sunrise.  Our driver didn’t see anything wrong so we got back in the bus and kept driving. 
As the giant glowing red ball of sun peaked over the horizon my teammate Haddie remembered the vision I had almost two month ago: the one of our team worshipping and dancing under a giant African sun.    

Our morning began with this… 

God was letting my vision come to life.
We asked our driver to stop the bus so we could take pictures of the epic African sunrise that was unfolding right before us. 
That day we were reminded of God’s goodness, even in the hardest of times
He was with us through the hard times.
And He works all things together for our good.
We spent the rest of the day exploring the African bush, visiting waterfalls in the Nile, spotting elephants, giraffes, and lions, and living what most people dream of when they think of Africa.


Taking a boat cruise down the Nile to see Murchison Falls

It was such a reminder of the goodness of a God who fulfills his promises. The past two months have been quite the journey. A journey that was sometimes challenging and exhausting. There were times we wanted to give up.
But God was true to His promise. He gave me a vision that it would all be okay, and that it would be worth it to persevere, and it was.

And our day ended with this…

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