
      Well I have a confession to make, I am an addict. Except I will gladly share what this addiction is, and will pray that everyone in this world of ours will feel this same addiction. For those of you who may be thinking, “What addiction should be prayed on somebody?” Well that addiction is love, Christ’s love to be exact. For the last couple of days, I have be feeling this love flowing through my veins. I’ve been on a hyperactive, happy, crazy mood lately. God loves the whole world so much. I pray that everyone will know and feel this love. It truly is...

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We’re Some Crazy Monos

Who in their right mind would do something like this? Who would choose to do this? Not too many people, mostly the crazy ones. We are just a crazy bunch of people, I guess. There are 9 of us who chose to follow Jesus to the opposite side of the world from where we live. All of us chose to travel in an airplane for about 22-23 hours. We chose to stay for 3 1/2 months instead of the typical 10 day mission trip. We chose to come basically blind to everything — we didn't know each other, we weren't sure where we were staying, we weren't sure what we were doing for...

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Let It Rain

I love Uganda. Except for the heat. I've come to Uganda at the wrong time. You see, I am from Minnesota, and as much as I want to discourage stereotypes, it seems my cold Minnesotan flesh simply cannot handle the heat. So why did I decide to go to Africa when the dry season is beginning and the rainy season is sadly waving goodbye? Good question. We have been pretty lucky so far, though. We don't go more than a few days without rain to cool the weather down, but the days inbetween our thunderstorms are turning miserable and awful. Sometimes when I lay in bed at night and ralize...

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Dancing for Joy

So, back in August God gave me a vision, below is a journal entry of what I saw:   God was sitting at a small simple wooden table pouring Himself into a piece of paper. "I'll make her eyes blue." He said, and He continued to describing this girl He was drawing. He was extremely excited about this girl on the paper. I've never seen someone that excited. Soon He wasn't able to contain Himself and was no longer sitting, but dancing around the table. Then Jesus comes in to see what the Father is excited about. "Jesus! Come look at who I...

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I’ve Been in Prison

So, about 4-5 years ago, my mom, a friend and I were camping. Late our first night, my mom jokingly said, "Jalin, I'm so tired, you might have to drive home on Sunday." "But I don't want to go to jail, yet." I said. Yep, I said, "yet" like I was planning on going to jail at some point in my life. Like I said it was late at night, and we all were extremly tired, I really didn't mean to say it. On Sundays we plan to be part of the prison misistry. The first two weeks our plans were foiled, but that's Africa for you. Last week was our first...

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Stripped Away

Nothing here is familiar, not even to the eye Everything is changing, people are asking why Prices are soaring HIV is roaring Comfort is being stripped away   Nothing is the same as two short years ago Things are looking up from when they were so low Confidence is rising Unity is uprising            Fear is being stripped away   To say God’s not moving would be a big lie In order for us to have freedom, Christ had to die People are learning Restoration is returning Pain is being stripped away   Hate is being...

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