Bye Bye Bye

Goodbye Uganda with your beautiful eyes Oh how the time really flies Your eyes showed me the despair, hurt, and your pain But look a little closer and you'll see you have much to gain Stop giving up on yourself; you have far to go People are raising up and helping you grow Your eyes showed me not only your pain, but also mine Opened up my own eyes and showed me I wasn't fine I needed a lot of work, to let Jesus reign I let Him rule and had so much to gain Goodbye Uganda eith your beautiful smile There's a lot to celebrate and the celebration will last a while You are set free,...

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I Cannot Tell it All

  I want to tell you everything that has happened here in Uganda over the last 3 months, but even if I took all day writing, I wouldn't have enough time to tell all the stories. A few of the stories I have already told you, but there are so many more that I wouldn't know where to start. I have met so many people, and their stories have inspired me. Pastor Johnson and his wife Betty have 4 boys and 9 girls, 8 they have taken into their home as their own. Or Pastor J.J. who runs all over Pader on Sunday mornings looking to rent chairs for the church service in hopes to have...

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There IS

I could tell you how my heart has fallen deeper in love with this country… I could tell you that my heart has broken once again for the people here, and for their past… I could tell you that I just really want to cry again, and again for the hurt these people have gone through, but the tears won't come… I could tell you that even though the LRA is gone and the war has been over for about 5 years there is still so much hurt and pain still lingering… I could tell you that these people are still living in fear, that they are shackled by injustice, that they feel...

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change is a coming

I can’t believe my time in Uganda is almost up. Time has flown by, but then again, it feels like I’ve been away from family and friends for much longer than it’s been. Part of me is REALLY excited to go back home, but the other part is heart broken about having to leave this place that has been my home for the past three months. Everything that was said to me about this trip has been true and so much more. I’ve def had my highest highs here, my lowest lows, God has moved and spoken, and my faith has grown tremendously....

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God, When Did This Happen to Me?!?!

This past week was our mid-debrief, which means that we traveled to Jinja to take a short break from ministry. It was an awesome time. We traveled by matatu (a "14 passenger" taxi van) and bus, camped by the Nile, rafted the Nile, bungee jumped over the Nile, talked about some of what God has done the last couple months, and came home in the similar traveling fashion. This past week was a time of reflection on what God has done, and a time for me to personally realize what has actually happened in my heart. Over the last 2 months living in Africa has slowly become actual life...

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Fields of the Fatherless

I’ve been reading a book here in Uganda called “Fields of the Fatherless” by C. Thomas Davis. The book is about being Christ to the orphans, widows, strangers, and anyone in need. We hear about it all the time…go show love, be love, help those in need, but how often do we think that call is for others, not the right time in our life, or that it’s not God’s calling for our life? So often we tend to let our emotions respond…we judge, run, ignore the problem, or just pretend it isn’t there. We let fear determine our steps, but all the while the...

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