We Made It!

Coming into training camp, I had no idea what to expect. Needless to say, I did not anticipate that immediately upon arrival, we would be asked to leave all but three items of our choice to get us through the night while we slept on a tarp under the stars. After the first night, they graciously gave us our belongings back. This, along with all of the other experiences at training camp had the purpose of preparing us for our trip. During the four days at camp, I played in a lot of red clay, had some amazing conversations with God while walking through the tall Georgia pines, and experienced...

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Launching Pad

Wow.  What a whirlwind past couple days.  I have been challenged, strengthened, and greatly encouraged by my time at training camp here in Georgia.  I don't have time to share it all with you, so let me tell you about my most important experiences.  One of the ideas our team has been challenged with is letting go of a burden or something holding us back from God and replacing that with something better that he has for us.  As I've thought about that God put on my heart the burdens of silence and doubt.  It is often easier for me to just stay silent when...

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When God Speaks Life Happens

I have SOO incredibly much to say about training camp. However, I have a limited time frame in which I can say it. Therefore, I'm just going to hit a couple of the highlights. Don't worry, they're kind of phenomenal highlights! Most of my family and friends back home know that when I left town 3 days ago, I was sick, horribly sick. I came down with a sudden head cold and due to some medicine I was taking, I was up the whole night before I was supposed to fly out of Memphis. Through much prayer, and I'm so thankful for that prayer, I am CONSIDERABLY better now! All that is...

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Well Then…

This is really happening. It's amazing how easy it is to talk about something but not realize the meaning and implications of it until you're actually doing it. I've gone through at least 20 different emotions in the last ten minutes! Haha. I've decided that there isn't really a word that describes how excited/expectant I am. Meeting my team in 24 hours. Training camp. Flying out Tuesday night…getting there Wednesday night.  Then…well, we'll see!  Jesus has been so faithful to provide for every single thing I need and more. Why did I waste so much...

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36 hours until liftoff!

Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog for the 2012 Spring trip to Uganda.  I am so excited to see what God will do in and through our team and am very thankful for your interest in staying updated about our journey.  Our team will meet for the first time in Atlanta on the 13th where we will stay for a few days of "training camp" until we fly out for Uganda on the 17th.  We'll be working in Lira, Uganda with an organization called Victory Outreach Ministries, which has several outreaches including a health clinic, schools, and an agricultural ministry to name a few. ...

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Behind the Green Gate

There has been a man named Victor whom I have seen around lately. My first contact with him was on the way to lunch hour. I heard, “Chelsea! Chelsea! Who is Chelsea?” I looked, laughed and said, “I am.” He then starts shouting, “Go team Chelsea.” Pretty typical when people learn my name, but how did he know my name? This was about four weeks back. A week and a half ago we were sitting outside our gate to our home and here comes Victor walking down the road asking, “Where is Chelsea?” I said, “I am here.” He asked for us to come to his...

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