True Life: “I’m not good at goodbyes.”

How do you begin to say goodbye to people you have lived life with for the past 3 ½ months? How do you begin to sum up your life in Uganda for the past 3 ½ months? I have no clue.  I have sat down, typed this blog, erased everything, and retyped it 5 times. My head starts to hurt, and my heart starts to ache when I think about going home and people asking me, “how was your trip?” I did not just go on a trip. This was my life for 3 ½ months. This was a life changing experience, not a trip. I have seen God show up in the most raw and real way possible. I’ve...

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Uganda be KIDDING me!!

     This past weekend, my team and I went to Amolitar. We stayed there from Thursday to Sunday, and it was a chance to truly experience African village life. I spent the weekend living in a mud hut with 6 others on my team. It was an adventure! Spending four days in an African village is a little like camping to me. I love camping for a weekend, but after that, I am over it. There was no running water in the village whatsoever, so we had to use a squatty potty for the four days we were there. I was fine with the whole squatty situation until the joint became infested with...

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so i guess it’s time to start packing?

So I guess it’s that time. Time to get going on my big adventure to Uganda. Let’s go through the check list, shall we? Plain ticket to training camp- check Medication bought- check Gotten 64381064781 shots- check Raised enough support money- checck All packed- uhh…. I have always been a last minute packer, and well this time is no different! Actually is anything, I am MORE last minute than every before! I mean can you blame me?! I’m supposed to pack up 4 months worth of cloths, toiletries, music, and books in ONE BAG?! haha well if any of you know me,...

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