
Amidst The Brokenness

      I came to Africa looking for God. Looking for Him in worship, in healing, in crazy stories of revival. I continually begged Him to meet me through miracles, through angels, or through any mind-blowing experience. None of this happened. I don't have any stories where I fell out in the Spirit or had a super intense worship night where the Lord broke me. Then one day God asked me to take a good look around Lira–the town I have lived in and slowly adapted to over the past three months. God lifted a veil from my eyes, and what I saw overwhelmed me.

      I saw women crawling with shoes on their knees, trash piled on the side of the streets, malnurished babies with white hair and swollen bellies, story after story from LRA victims, animals whose ribs were sticking out, naked babies sitting in the mud, kids asking you to take them home with you because they are abused, people carrying buckets of water to their homes, street children high off of glue so they can't feel their hunger pains, a nine year old girl who lives alone because both her parents died due to witchcraft, children begging for you to pay their school fees so they can have and education, and today when I found a little boy crying because the sores on his feet were being cut by rocks, my heart completely broke.

      But amidst all the brokeness is where I've found God the most. I've found Him among every hospital bed, every smiling orphan, and among every LRA victim proclaiming God's goodness. I've seen the hurt, the orphans, the widows, the poor, the sinners, the lost. I've come to realize that's where God's heart is and that is where I have truly found Him.

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